MASKK’s First Lip Sync Battle

On Saturday 25th May MASKK held its first Lip Sync Battle and what an event!
80 seats were filled with parents and family friends of the children taking part, children from a variety of the projects and groups MASKK deliver. Each child had clearly put time and effort in to practice and put together their costumes, with two families changing their holiday plans so their children could take part too. Feedback from the children included; “it was awesome!!!!!!”, “Best Day Ever!” and “When can I do it again?”. The audicance gave great feedback too including commenting on the professional standard, great atmosphere and we need more chairs next time.

MASKK provide a variety of activities for children but this was the first of this kind in the year we celebrate our 20th birthday, organised by MASKK team members giving their time as volunteers and led by Duty Manager Joanna. Joanna hopes to build on the success and will soon start planning the next event.

The judges with the difficult job of choosing the winners were Simon Loveitt (chair of MASKK Trustees and Community Development Worker for Manor Church & Community Project), Rev Julie Upton (Vicar from Sheffield Manor Parish) and Rose Tomson (from Green Estate). All of which gave their time for free to encourage and support this event.

The prizes were kindly donated by Sheffield International Venues (SIV) and The Works.
First Prize went to: Nicole-rae
Second Prize: Madeline
Third Prize: Sofia

But all the children taking part received a medal and certificate for their hard work and willingness to push their comfort zone and perform in front of the large audience.

The event raised just under £300, which will be used to support future events in the building. We thank Manor Church & Community Project for allowing us free use of Temple Park Centre to run the event.  If you are able to help financially to support future events and activities you can do so via PayPal’s secure system by clicking here, or contact

Another massive thank you goes to Ashley from Neon Tech Productions for the free professional sound and lights. Ashley provided a professional and friendly service and we hope to work together on future events too.