Dear Parents and Carers

As our team look forward to welcoming your child back to MASKK this Summer I ask that you carefully read the information below.

By booking a session at MASKK you are confirming that you understand and will follow the guidance we have set out, failure to do so may result in your booking being cancelled.

  • Where possible social distancing will be supported. However, we understand that social distancing will not be possible for some children attending due to their age. The government recommends that providers should keep children in small, consistent groups of no more than 15 children. This means that there will be fewer children attending and we will require you to book and pay for the same sessions each week.
  • With fewer children and the need to maintain high levels of cleanliness, the types of toys and activities available will be different and we will be playing outside and going for walks everyday.
  • There are new procedures for dropping off and collecting your child; only one family can enter reception at a time, and parents will not be able to pass the signing in desk. There will be markers outside for waiting safely.
  • MASKK will not be able to provide meals, so please send the lunch and a drink bottle your child will want for the session, in a lunch box clearly marked with your child’s name.
  • You should consider the clothes that your child attends in, to minimise the support they may need, e.g. with tying shoelaces, but also that they are suitable for outdoor play even if there is some rain.
  • Please send a spare full outfit in a bag that is tied and clearly labelled, in case of accidents or getting too wet playing. This can remain at MASKK until used or the holidays end.
  • Children should not attend more than one setting and where possible siblings should all attend the same setting. Some nurseries are offering childcare for older siblings to make this more practical for some families with young children.
  • We cannot offer refunds for missed or cancelled sessions due to the organisations overheads that we must cover. But we do require you to inform us if your child is not attending so we can carry on with our planned activities outside without waiting. Likewise if you are running late, please drop us a text to save us calling you.

There are also responsibilities that you as a parent must follow, in line with government guidance:

  • Please ensure you do not send your child to MASKK if they, or someone in your household, has symptoms
  • Please engage with the NHS Test and Trace process, so that cases can be identified and action taken – this means if your child develops symptoms, you should arrange for them to have a test, and inform MASKK of the result

If you have any questions or concerns please contact or call 07784838169.